
To complement Ascea’s Sourcing, Contracting and Change consultancy we have established partnerships with other organisations.

Scroll down to see what our partner organisations offer.

CIC Consulting Informatico

In the rapidly evolving landscape of manufacturing, energy, utilities, and power industries, the pursuit of operational excellence and efficient energy management have become paramount in achieving sustainable growth, operating efficiency and maintaining competitive advantage.

The integration of Operational Intelligence and SCADA, SAP and other solutions empowers informed decision-making, ultimately leading to streamlined workflows, minimized downtime, and enhanced overall efficiency.

IDbox stands as a testament to transformative possibilities, redefining operational efficiency and energy management. Its proven cost savings, exemplified through SEAT, Veolia, Bridgestone and other large businesses, underscore its role as a catalyst for cost-effective change management.

Download a copy of our report:

Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Energy Management: The Case for Operational Intelligence Software in Manufacturing, Utilities, and Power Industries

RQV Learning

We have teamed up with RQV Learning, a specialist sourcing training organization, to provide a comprehensive set of professional training courses, covering a range of strategic sourcing, contracting  and change topics.

Each course is designed to give the attendee a clear understanding of the subject matter, either delivered ‘face-to-face’ workshop style or as accessible on-line.

For the workshop-based courses  we can tailor-make a programme to meet your specific requirements. Each course requires a minimum of 6 paying attendees up to a maximum of 12.  

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